Contact Us

Contact us

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You'll find information about rental. 

It covers information for agencies and group guests over 7 to 12 people, 

please contact us through the form below if you are agent or group booking.

User's guide

Get In Touch


Please contact us via e-mail if you have any problems with cancellations or reservation changes.

 Opening Hours:  8: 30am-5: 00pm (Last Reception 3:00pm) 

Closed:  Same day as Teshima Art Museum closed day  plus  Irregular Closed 

*Please see the business day calendar. 

2140-9 Teshima Ieura, Tonosho-cho, Shozu-gun, Kagawa Prefecture 761-4661

 3 minutes on foot from Toshima Ieura Port

Please refrain from sales and solicitation messages unrelated to our services.

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